From 1 November 2015, bus route information complete with map and route details for bus services 2, 3, 13, 39, 96, 208, 224, 227, 777 will be available on our website.

The 9 bus services selected are all local routes, all of which originates from Larkin Terminal. 2 of the bus services - namely 3 & 96 - are express bus services between Larkin and Pontian. This implementation included one of the longest city bus route - bus service 2 - serving between Larkin and Ayer Hitam. With the addition, our website now offers bus service information complete with maps and bus stop location details for 61 bus services, or about 70% of all bus services operating in Johor Bahru.

Our comprehensive bus service information will be implemented in stages.

Full list of available bus routes: Bus Routes